Martha Jones

Wellbeing Coach, Personal Trainer & Mentor


I’m Martha. I’m a Personal Trainer and Wellbeing Coach

How did you hear about Mentoring Young Creatives?
I got in touch with my agency Model Students because I felt that there was an opportunity to support models in prioritising their health while working. They put me in contact with the Be Well Collective, who were actually launching the Mentoring Programme at the time.

Why do you want to be a Mentor on the Mentoring Young Creatives programme?
I want to reach out to the models and others in the industry who may be struggling with similar (or different) challenges to those I faced. I know it can feel like you have to force your way through on your own, and I think it would be supportive to have someone looking out for you along the way.

what past experiences do you have which you believe will help you to mentor a young Person in the creative industries?
Whilst modelling, food wasn’t something that I could relax around. It took over my life. My exercise wasn’t really done for health and my idea of health wasn’t very accurate. I had high standards and was very harsh on myself. During the past 5 years I’ve been researching what wellbeing and self compassion might really mean.

What do you hope to achieve from the Mentoring Young Creatives programme?
I hope to allow young creatives the space to feel valued, understand their worth, and feel like they have real support and someone to talk to about things. Things they might not want to bring up with their peers or managers.

What are you most excited about in starting the Mentoring Young Creatives programme?
Challenging myself and seeing if I can really help people.

How do you think your career and health would have been affected had you had the opportunity to be mentored early in your career?

I’d have calmed down, got educated around food and relaxed about it, and had a more balanced sense of who I am and what I have to offer.

What is the best piece of advice that you have been given by a mentor/colleague/friend?

“You have unrealistic expectations” . Hahah. That you don’t have to be the best in order to do something.



Want to be mentored by Martha?