Top Products to Aid a Restful Nights Sleep With Dr Nerina

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This week we caught up with sleep and energy expert Dr Nerina, to find out her top recommended products for the most restful nights sleep you can get!

Dr Nerina: Here are a few of my favourite sleep products - these really help me to get deep, nourishing sleep especially when I'm busy and my nervous system is a little over-worked.

The Eye Pillow - I keep this beside my pillow at all times. I don't use it all the time but if I wake during the night and find myself restless with my mind racing, I place it over my eyes and it settles me very quickly. I think it's something to do with stopping eye movement which somehow seems to stop the thought process. It's also stuffed with lavender and the smell is very soothing and calming.


The Shaktimat - I've had mine for years as I was sent it by the company in Rishikesh who originally started making them. Lying naked on the mat forces your body to relax - it's uncomfortable otherwise! I use it if I have a power nap in the afternoon and it's particularly good if my muscles are tired and achy. I used to do marathons (no more) and I'd use my mat for 30 mins or so after a long, hard run. Studies from a Swedish university have shown that the mat helps to rebalance the nervous system switching off the overactive sympathetic nervous system is involved in stress and rebooting the restorative parasympathetic nervous system so it's good for healing.


Doterra lavender - Absolutely the best lavender oil in my opinion. It's very pure and smells divine. I take it with me especially when I travel as it helps me to rest and sleep on aeroplanes and in hotels. My bedroom permanently smells of it


Weighted blanket - I'd read about them and had to comment to a journalist about whether they work. I'd never used one so I did some research and decided to try it and I have to say it's been amazing. It really settles me and stops any restlessness. I thought I might overheat with it but that doesn't happen at all. The only problem is that I really miss it when I go away and I don't have it with me!



Dr Nerina for the Live Well Be Well series

Dr Nerina is a physiologist who has specialised in maximising individual and organisational performance for over two decades. To learn more from Dr Nerina watch the below video from our Live Well Be Well series where she shares her insights on how to get back to sleep after waking.


Head over to our Live Well Be Well series to watch the rest in the collection from Dr Nerina and our other Be Well Collective Experts.


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